Monday, November 4, 2013


So to start off, the hallway was too small to actually get a good picture of this piece. But this is part of a project where students had to show diffirent prints and marks in diffrient ways I guess you could say. For example, there was one that was bike tracks and the student dipped bike wheels in ink and rode it across a piece of paper. So I think this is really neat how they kind of took apart the elements of the pizza and printed on them individually.


At MIAD I found this awesome painting and pretty much fell in love. I was like "dude you can put Collage on a painting?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" and I freaked out! And then I pretty much fainted when I found out that Our up-comming project was using collage. I'm so excited to try this all out! Anyway, I don't know who this is by but I like the way it is abstract and used the colors in the photos in the actual paint. It really just works in a beautiful way.